Degree | Abbreviation | Other abbreviations |
Bachelor of Divinity | BD | BDIV |
Bachelor of Nursing | BNurs | BN |
Business and Technology Education Council | BTEC | |
English Language Teaching Management | ELT Management | |
European Master | EM | |
Integrated Professional Master in Languages | IPML | |
Magister Juris or Master of Jurisprudence | MJur | M.Jur., Mag. Jur., Mag. iur. |
Master in Arts | MART | Mart |
Master in Chemistry | MChem | |
Master in European Business | MEB | |
Master in Hotel Management | MHM | |
Master of Accountancy | MAcc | MAc, MAcy |
Master of Advanced Metallurgy | MMet | |
Master of Anthropology | MAnth | |
Master of Architecture | MArch | M.Arch. |
Master of Arts | MA | M.A. |
Master of Biochemistry | MBiochem | MBioch, MBiolSci |
Master of Biology | MBiol | MBio |
Master of Biomedical Siences | MBioMed | MBioms, MBIOMS |
Master of Business | MBus | |
Master of Chemical Physics | MChemPhys | |
Master of Chiropractic | MChiro | |
Master of Classical Studies | MClass | |
Master of Clinical Dentistry | MClinDent | |
Master of Clinical Education | MClinEd | |
Master of Clinical Optometry | MOptom | |
Master of Clinical Research | MClin Res | |
Master of Clinical Research | MClinRes | |
Master of Computational Mathematics | MMathComp | MMathCompSci |
Master of Computer Science and Philosophy | MCompPhil | |
Master of Computing | MComp | MCompSci (Oxford University), MInf (Master of Informatics) |
Master of Counselling | MCouns | MC, M.C., M.Couns. |
Master of Creative Writing Crime Fiction | MA(Engl) | |
Master of Dental Public Health | MDPH | |
Master of Dental Science | MDSc | |
Master of Dental Surgery | MDS | MChd, MChD |
Master of Design | MDes | M.Des., M.Design |
Master of Earth Science | MESci | MEarthSci, MEarthPhys |
Master of Ecology | MEcol | |
Master of Economics | MEcon | |
Master of Education | MEd | M.Ed., Ed.M., M.A.Ed., M.A.E., M.S.Ed., M.Ed.L., M.S.E., MA(Ed) |
Master of Engineering | MEng | MEng., M.Eng. |
Master of Enterprise | MEnt | M.Ent. |
Master of Environmental Science | MEnvSci | MEnv |
Master of Finance | MFin | M.Fin, MiF |
Master of Fine Arts | MFA | M.F.A. |
Master of Geography | MGeog | |
Master of Geology | MGeol | |
Master of Geophysics | MGeoPhys | MGeophys |
Master of Geoscience | MGeoSci | MGeoscience |
Master of Health Science | MHS | |
Master of History | MHist | |
Master of Innovation | MInnov | |
Master of International Affairs | MIA | |
Master of Land Economy | MLE | |
Master of Law | MLaw | |
Master of Laws | LLM | LL.M |
Master of Legal Science | MLegSc | |
Master of Letters | MLitt | |
Master of Liberal Arts | MLA | |
Master of Liberal Arts | MLibArts | |
Master of Linguistic Studies | MLang | |
Master of Marine Biology | MMarBiol | MMBiol |
Master of Marine Science | MMSci | |
Master of Marketing | MMkt | |
Master of Materials Science | MASt | |
Master of Mathematics | MMath | |
Master of Mathematics and Philosophy | MMathPhil | |
Master of Mathematics and Physics | MMathPhys | MMath&Phys |
Master of Medical Education | MMedEd | |
Master of Medical Science in Public Health | MMSPH | |
Master of Meteorology | MMet | |
Master of Midwifery | MMid | |
Master of Museum Practice | MPrac | |
Master of Music | MMus | M.M., M.Mus. |
Master of Music Therapy | MMT | |
Master of Natural Sciences | MNatSci | |
Master of Neuroscience | MNeuroSci | |
Master of Nursing | MN | |
Master of Nursing Science | MNurs | MNursSci |
Master of Nutrition | MNutr | |
Master of Oceanography | MOcean | MOSci |
Master of Orthopaedic Surgery | MCh Orth | |
Master of Osteopathy | MOst | M.Ost |
Master of Performance | MPerf | |
Master of Pharmacology | MPharmacol | |
Master of Pharmacy | MPharm | MPharmSci |
Master of Philosophy | MPhil | M.Phil., Ph.M., M Phil |
Master of Physics | MPhys | MPhyPhil (Physics and Philosophy) |
Master of Planning | MPlan | |
Master of Primary Care | MPC | |
Master of Professional Accountancy | MPAc | MPAcy, MPAcc |
Master of Professional Practice | MProf | |
Master of Psychology | MPsych | PsyM |
Master of Public Administration | MPA | M.P.Adm., M.P.A. |
Master of Public Health | MPH | M.P.H. |
Master of Public Policy | MPP | |
Master of Research | MRes | MA by research, MARes, MA(Res), MSc by research, MSc(Res), MScRes, M(Res) |
Master of Science | MSc | MSci, M.S., MS, M.Sc., M.Sci., S.M., Sc.M., Sci.M. |
Master of Science in Dentistry | MScD | MSD |
Master of Science in Public Health | MSPH | |
Master of Social Science | MSSc | M.Soc.Sci |
Master of Social Work | MSW | |
Master of Studies | MSt | |
Master of Surgery | MCh | Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir. |
Master of Teaching and Learning | MTeach | MTL |
Master of Technology degree | MTech | M.Tech. |
Master of Theology | MTh | MTheol, Th.M., M.Th. |
Master of Veterinary Medicine | MVM | Vet.M.B |
Master of Veterinary Physiotherapy | MVetPhys | |
Master of Veterinary Public Health | MVPH | |
Master of Veterinary Sciences | MVetSci | M.Vet.Sci |
Master of Veterinary Surgery | MVS | |
Master of Zoology | MZOOL | |
Masters of Clinical Sciences | MClinSci | |
Teaching Qualification (Further Education) | TQFE | |